“Facility introduction”, “Guide tour”, “HighKing trail” is translated into English.
Throughout the State of Emergency in Japan with many things closed, it has provided some opportunities for remaking and renewing. While the Rokkosan Guide House and Visitors Center was closed for a bit, it provided a chance for the renewal of the Rokkosan Guide House.
The layout has been changed to provide a more open space so that visitors can social distance when they are visiting to gather information about what is happening on Rokkosan.
The information area for maps and brochures about events and things to do on Rokkosan has been grouped and become a central and easy area to gather information. There are new touch panel displays (currently text in Japanese only) that show the various animals that one might encounter on Rokkosan, as well as the different floral and fauna that can be seen.
There is also a rack of various information papers that show the leaves, flowers, butterflies, mushrooms as well as hiking trails.
A brand new large hiking map, spanning from Shioya Station, just down past the start of the Rokko Zenzan Jyusou (Rokko Entire Mountain Hike) up to Rokkosan and over to Ohira-yama has also been installed. It contains 29 different hiking routes, from short ones to full day hikes. So there is sure to be a route for any level of experience.
The old aerial photograph from August 11, 2016 is of course still up so that one can see the extent of Rokkosan as it compares to the city.
Stuffed samples of Rokkosan wildlife as well as feathers of different Rokkosan birds are also on display so one can see the details of each up close.
Hopefully the State of Emergency will lift soon and people will be able to travel safely around again. When that happens, please be sure to make Rokkosan one of your places to visit. Be sure to stop by the Mt.Rokko Guide House, see the new layout and pick up some great information for exploring Rokkosan!
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