“Facility introduction”, “Guide tour”, “HighKing trail” is translated into English.
From July 4th to the 8th, Rokkosan saw the most concentrated rain fall it has seen in over 50 years. Over the few days of time 918mm of rainfall was poured on Rokkosan like a spigot being opened in the sky. The combination of the rainy season not yet being over and an early typhoon passing by that made for un-natural amount of water. Many places in Japan received a great deal more damage.
While the roads off from Rokkosan along with the Rokko Cable were closed during the heavy rains, there is now again access from the Rokkosan Tunnel and up the Back (Ura) Rokko Driveway. The Rokko Cable has also resumed normal service to the mountain. The buses on top of the mountain have resumed their normal service on top of the mountain, but the bus from Hankyu Rokko Station to Kinenhidai has not yet restarted service.
Both the Abura-kobushi and Ice Road hiking trails are open though, some of the other hiking trails on the mountain and some roads have washed out places. One can find out more detailed information by stopping by the Rokkosan Guide House, but please take care when hiking, and as always make sure to hike with a friend and not alone. It is also good to be extra careful when driving any roads that are off the main areas.
Most of the attractions on Rokkosan are also again open, and it is a beautiful season to enjoy the cool mountain air. Please be sure to see the Rokkosan Summer! post for ideas of things to do. Please note that the Rokkosan Field Athletic has not opened yet, so be sure to check their home page if thinking of going there.
The Rokkosan Pasture also has many events going on through the summer. Pony shows, sheep herding dogs, feeding milk to calfs, and becoming friends with many fantastic animals. One can also try a hand at making many delicious foods such as ice cream, frozen yogurt, butter, cheese and cream cheese tarts. Fun for the whole family!
So please Visit Rokkosan, enjoy the fresh mountain air and the many wonderful actives over this summer.
See you on Rokkosan!
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